Hey! Agency self-promo ads are the proof that B2B can be fun. Here are my favorites, along with 10 questions to help you create similar ideas for your brand:
1. Visual Hyperboles
Can you exaggerate your product’s benefit without using words?

2. Contrarian Thinking
What important truth do very few people agree with you on?

3. The Butterfly Effect
What are the negative consequences of your product’s benefit?

4. Shock Ads
Can you grab their attention with negative words and images?

5. Side by Side
Can you put your offer and its alternative next to each other?

6. Visual Analogy
What real-life objects are similar to your solution?

7. Customer’s Inner Dialogue
What’s the inner dialogue inside your customer’s head?

8. Cliché Phrase
Can you twist a phrase people in your industry say all the time?

9. Bash Competitors
Can you highlight your competitors’ weaknesses?

10. Double Meaning
Does your message have a visually interesting double meaning?