How to Become a Creative Thinker
Dr. Edward de Bono devoted his life to creative research. These are his 12 greatest lessons.
Humor Mechanisms for Creating Hilarious Ads
Philosopher H. Bergson discovered the mechanisms that make humans laugh.
Here’s how to use them for marketing.
Finding Customer Insights With AI
AI can’t write your creative copy (yet), but it can be a great research assistant.
Reverse Scriptwriting: Start With the Music
I struggled to write emotional ads. So I gathered music from hundreds of commercials and films to make it (a bit) easier.
Is My Idea PR-Worthy?
If I struggle to decide which idea to show the client, I write them into news headlines using this tool…
Creative Visualization: Finding Insights With My Eyes Closed
Visualization helps me find campaign ideas. I step into my customer’s shoes and picture their day, minute after minute.
First, Pick a Channel. Then, Find an Idea.
A cheat sheet with (almost) all the media channels you can use for your next campaign. There are so many options.
See Any Product Anew
Working for the same client for too long makes me take their product for granted. These perspective-changing questions spark my creativity again.