My Briefing Call Template
All the questions I ask clients before I start working on a campaign.
Copywriting Research with ChatGPT
Sure, ChatGPT isn’t very creative. But it’s a brilliant research assistant. Here are 44 research prompts I use every month.
Creative Block SOS Kit
Pretty much all I know about my nemesis: creative block.
Ryan Reynolds’ Comedy Toolbox
Reynolds’s greatest ads, comedy toolbox, and 18 thought-starters that will help you write funny ads.
10 Types of Question Headlines
Research shows that asking questions in a conversation makes you more likable. I think this goes for brands too.
Scriptwriting with AI
Let’s write a short video script for my audience – freelance creatives.
Puzzle Ads
Whether it’s Cannes or D&AD, the most awarded print ads have one thing in common: Puzzle Advertising.
Startup Naming Handbook
My complete brand naming process, 45+ naming tools, and how I use AI for naming.
Pricing Theory, Simplified and Visualized
12 pricing principles that every marketer should know.
Uncovering Blind Spots with AI
Falling in love with an idea makes us blind to obvious red flags. This exercise helps me reduce unconscious bias.