Turning Comedy Into Copy

A great creative director once told me:

“If you wanna learn copywriting, don’t read ads – watch stand-up comedy.”

And he was right. I can literally go to just-one-liners.com, pick a random line, add a logo, and voilà! I’ve got an ad. Let me show you 👇

Jerry Seinfeld

“Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.”
– Jerry Seinfeld

Jim Gaffigan

“If camping is so great, why are the bugs always trying to get in your house?”
– Jim Gaffigan

Jimmy Carr

“Swimming is good for you, especially if you’re drowning.”
– Jimmy Carr

Stewart Francis

“There’s a fine line between hyphenated words.”
– Stewart Francis

Stewart Francis

“I like what mechanics wear, overall.”
– Stewart Francis

Phyllis Diller

“Best way to get rid of kitchen odors: eat out.”
– Phyllis Diller

Steven Wright

“If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?”
– Steven Wright

Why do this?

Obviously, I’d never steal other people’s work, but this exercise helps me:

  • Improve my copywriting taste.
  • Learn how to structure a punchline.
  • Develop a radar for headline-worthy phrases. (They’re everywhere: product reviews, blog posts, conversations, etc.)

In this recipe

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