IBM’s old ads are a masterclass in B2B advertising. Here are 9 principles I’ve learned from them:
1. Features First
Benefits are great, but when comparing their options, clients will list features side by side.
Make sure you come out on top.

2. Show Use Cases, Not UI
Most software looks the same, so save the product screenshots for the landing page or demo.
In your ads, show how the product actually helps your users.

3. Leave Room for Curiosity
Don’t spell everything out.
Let them connect the dots.

4. Address the Elephant
Don’t ignore the critics. Turn that tension into a story, and get people on your side.

5. Visualize Numbers
Stats and figures can be confusing. But when you turn them into visuals, you don’t just make the feature clearer—you grab attention, too.

6. Use Analogies
Explain the unfamiliar through the familiar.

7. Make It Relatable
Step into your customer’s shoes (or office) and see things from their POV.

8. Keep It Real
Too many companies overpromise. Say what you can do—and what you can’t. Users will trust you more.

9. Write Like a Human
Listen to demo recordings or grab lunch with one of your prospects. They’ll never say “cutting-edge synergy” in a real conversation.