Teach Your Clients to Give You Helpful Feedback

I used to get upset when clients gave me feedback like:
“My cousin didn’t like it,” or “It doesn’t feel right.”
But then I realized something – it was all my fault.

You see, asking for feedback without explaining what I expected was like asking my grandma to guess what I wanted for my birthday. Most times, I’d get expired chocolate. So based on David Perell’s article, I created this slide:

David Perell's (perell.com) CRIBS formula on how to give feedback, interesting content mark in blue, confusing content mark in green, etc.

I started sending it along with the work I delivered. And since then, all my clients have become sharp editors. Their feedback is truly helpful.

I really recommend following David’s work. He’s one of those people who can write about literally anything and make it fascinating.

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Thanks for reading <3

In this recipe

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