Reverse Scriptwriting: Start With the Music

I struggled to write emotional ads. So I gathered music from hundreds of commercials and films to make it (a bit) easier.

Pick a mood → Write the script → Add music

That’s how scriptwriting for ads usually goes.

My friend, Sebash, found a different method:

First, he picks a song. And then, inspired by it, he writes the script.

Here’s the framework that saves me every time I’m stuck 👇

1. Pick a Mood

Ask: How do you want the audience to feel?
I choose one primary emotion, usually from the inner circle of the wheel:

emotion color wheel

2. Choose a Song

I’ve created five playlists, gathering music from
hundreds of ads and films for each emotional category:

inner wheel with six emotions and five

3. Write the Script

I listen to the whole playlist or pick one song and play it on repeat until scenes start appearing in my head.

This method helps me get in the right mood while writing.
After all, how can I convey a feeling without experiencing it myself?

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Thanks for reading <3

In this recipe

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