Marketing Lessons by Aristotle

In 2021, Patagonia was named the most trusted brand in the US. And it’s no surprise—because it religiously follows Aristotle’s Persuasion Triangle:

logos, pathos, ethos triangle

Let’s break down the three pillars of persuasion that the Greek philosopher determined 2,300 years ago, 

1. Logos

Show facts and proof. Aristotle said facts are meaningless unless relevant to the listener’s life. Or, in other words: “Show benefits, not features.”

patagonia website

2. Pathos

The root of the Greek word for “sympathy,” pathos means connecting to your audience’s emotions.

caring and empathetic brands
positive and inspiring brands
Patagonia also produces outdoor documentaries.

3. Ethos

Originally, “Ethos” meant “habitat.” So being ethical is “being at home” with your listeners – sharing their manners and tone.
I love action sports. So Patagonia blends into my feed like a chameleon.

action sports

But to show ethos you must also be:

  • Credible
credible: legacy, ambassadors, and being transparent
  • Authoritative
authoritative: take a position, take action, call to action
  • Selfless
Patagonia buys back and repairs old clothes for free.

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