Making Magnificent Memes

I’ve generated 3M+ views with memes. Here’s my process:

Let’s make some memes for Ground Up, the VC firm I work for.

1. Pick your target audience

Startup founders 👩‍💻

2. Write down pain points

  • Pressure from investors

  • AI gets all the attention

  • Getting customers

  • Must learn quickly

  • Unhelpful VCs

  • Working 24/7

  • Fundraising

  • Recession

3. Find Memes

I recommend r/memes, TikTok, and imgflip.

meme my parents when I'm winning an argument

4. Analyze them

Ask: “What’s the situation?”

meme [authority] when [persona] [disagrees with them]

Tip: If you’re unsure, use

5. Connect

{Situation} + {Pain point} = Meme

We’ll use “Pressure from investors.”

meme your vc when you refuse to add "ai" to your startup name

Now let’s make a few more:

meme working 24/7, startup founders returning from their first day off in three years
meme fundraising, when you're dead and you vc finally emails you back
meme fundraising, four horseman of no, founders: raising a bridge round, vcs: no
meme fundraising, founders after talking to potential investors
meme recession, startups in 2023
meme fundraising, founders at a conference forcing us to read their deck
meme unhelpful vcs, founders realizing that their vc isn't adding any value
meme ai hype, web 3 founders, vcs, ai startups
meme getting customers, what was your strategy? build a great product and they will come

• • •
You made it!

In this recipe

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