Killing it on Reddit Without Getting Killed

When I first started posting on Reddit, the comments I got ranged from “That sucks” to “Kill yourself.” Now, Reddit is one of my main sources of subscribers. 

I want to show you how I make it work for me. But why even bother? 

SEO –  People are adding “Reddit” when they google. So often, 1st on Reddit = 1st on Google.

• New audiences – Reddit is the 8th most visited site and many redditors don’t use other social media apps .

• Trust –  90% of people surveyed trust the product info on Reddit more. 

• Validation – Get honest feedback.

1. Research communities

I use GummySearch to find the right subreddits.

reddit feed
(This feature is free)

2. Set your profile

This is the only place where I openly promote myself.

reddit profile
Brand profiles should look like this, too. No logos. No sales pitch.

3. Write comments

Helpful comments are upvoted. Upvotes = karma.
Karma shows other users that I’m legit.

4. Start posting

Redditors are a tough crowd for two reasons:

A. They’re anonymous.

B. They’re protecting their land from marketers.

So I avoid…

  • unnecessary emojis
  • using link shorteners
  • linking to my products
  • ignoring the sub’s rules
  • asking people to follow me
  • using clickbait titles or all caps

Instead, I listen to Ogilvy:

“The less an ad looks like an ad, and the more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop, look and read.”

reddit title with social proof, clear value and content is straight to the point, like texting a friend
A long, informative title is the opposite of a salesy clickbait.


💡 No CTAs. The curious ones go to my profile and find the links.

5. What to post?

ask me anything (ama) graph

AMA (Ask Me Anything) is the ultimate Reddit post.
And you don’t have to be a celebrity.

Reddit Toolbox 🧰

• Imgur
Many subreddits don’t allow images. Upload your images to Imgur and then paste the links on Reddit

Reddit outreach tool

• Reddit Saved
Organize your saved posts and comments

• Reddit Metis
See the statistics of any Reddit account

• Later for Reddit
Schedule Reddit posts

• Subreddit Stats
See a thorough analysis of any subreddit

• Subreddit Analysis
Get the best time to post on any subreddit

• Reddit List and Subreddit Search
Find subreddits

• • •
Thanks for reading!

In this recipe

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