When I first started posting on Reddit, the comments I got ranged from “That sucks” to “Kill yourself.” Now, Reddit is one of my main sources of subscribers.
I want to show you how I make it work for me. But why even bother?
• SEO – People are adding “Reddit” when they google. So often, 1st on Reddit = 1st on Google.
• New audiences – Reddit is the 8th most visited site and many redditors don’t use other social media apps .
• Trust – 90% of people surveyed trust the product info on Reddit more.
• Validation – Get honest feedback.
1. Research communities
I use GummySearch to find the right subreddits.
2. Set your profile
This is the only place where I openly promote myself.
3. Write comments
Helpful comments are upvoted. Upvotes = karma.
Karma shows other users that I’m legit.
4. Start posting
Redditors are a tough crowd for two reasons:
A. They’re anonymous.
B. They’re protecting their land from marketers.
So I avoid…
- unnecessary emojis
- using link shorteners
- linking to my products
- ignoring the sub’s rules
- asking people to follow me
- using clickbait titles or all caps
Instead, I listen to Ogilvy:
“The less an ad looks like an ad, and the more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop, look and read.”
💡 No CTAs. The curious ones go to my profile and find the links.
5. What to post?
AMA (Ask Me Anything) is the ultimate Reddit post.
And you don’t have to be a celebrity.
Reddit Toolbox 🧰
• Imgur
Many subreddits don’t allow images. Upload your images to Imgur and then paste the links on Reddit
• Howitzer
Reddit outreach tool
• Reddit Saved
Organize your saved posts and comments
• Reddit Metis
See the statistics of any Reddit account
• Later for Reddit
Schedule Reddit posts
• Subreddit Stats
See a thorough analysis of any subreddit
• Subreddit Analysis
Get the best time to post on any subreddit
• Reddit List and Subreddit Search
Find subreddits