How I Use Reddit to Make Ads

Reddit is a goldmine of marketing insights. Especially r/showerthoughts

I can literally take a random post, add a logo, and voila! I’ve got an ad. Let me show you:

spotify ad from reddit shower thoughts, imagine how rich you would've been 200 years ago to have music playing in the background while cooking
monster ad from reddit shower thoughts, biting your tongue while eating is a perfect example of how you can still screw up even with deades of experience
american cancer society ad from reddit shower thoughts, no company has ever survived after its product killed more than 400 million of its consumers with evidence, except for tobacco companies
deliveroo ad from reddit shower thoughts, you don't check the fridge multiple times to find new food, you check it to see if your standards have dropped enough to eat what was available
golds gym ad from reddit shower thoughts, the bigger you are the better chance you have at winning "spin the bottle"
air duct expert ad from reddit shower thoughts, the most unrealistic thing about spy movies is how clean the air ventilation system is
toys r us ad from reddit shower thoughts, growing up is realizing you get more joy out of seeing others open presents than you do from opening your own

Find the right insight and the ad will write itself.

In this recipe

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