As an advertising student, I used this template to get feedback from dozens of creative experts. Feel free to steal it.
1. Pick a creative you admire.
Check your favorite ads’ credits if you don’t have one.
(If your favorite ads are in black & white, you may be too late. Advertising is a stressful lifestyle.)
2. Give A Personal Compliment
Don’t just say “love your work.” Stalk their website. Find a specific piece that you like, and mention it.
3. Make A Simple Request
Ask for one, simple thing. Don’t send a deck with 283 slides or ask to “jump on a call.”
4. Give Them A Way Out
Give them a way out. Don’t force it on them. Their time is precious, and you’re asking for it for free.
Tip: Don't Ask to "Stay in Touch"
Most creatives will gladly help you. But “staying in touch” sounds like you’re going to text them every day.
Where to Find Mentors
• – My favorite.
• – A long list of creatives who offer to help students.
• – Grab a virtual coffee with marketing pros.
• Talk to a creative director (h/t Adrian D)
• • •
Thanks for reading <3