Every Mistake Is an Opportunity to Be Creative

Tres Cruces, a Peruvian beer brand, messed up. Launching a new light beer, they misspelled their slogan on 300,000 cans.

Instead of “disfrute” (enjoy), they wrote “difrute.”

Tres Cruces, a Peruvian beer brand misspelled their slogan
Credit: Do Agency – doagencia.com

They had three options:

  1. Issue a recall.

  2. Write a sad, sad Tweet.

  3. Call their creative agency.

They picked #3, turning the typo into a game: find the cans with the missing “S” and get a chance to win Scooters, Smartwatches, Six-packs, and other things starting with S.

And viral they went. They sold 10,000,000 liters of beer in one month – what they would usually sell in a year.

So make more typos. It might 12x your sales. 😉

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Thanks for reading <3

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