Developing Your Ad Taste


Good taste is more important than great prompts. ’Cause even if you’re an AI prodigy, GPT will still always generate a lot of fluff. And if you can’t distinguish between trash and treasure, you’re lost.

The best way to develop taste is by actively viewing great ads. Here’s how:

1. Find great work

If you ask David Ogilvy, a great ad must tick off five boxes:

2. Practice active viewing

Ask yourself:

• What problem does the ad solve? Structure: [Business problem] because [Customer behavior/belief].

• What’s the human insight? The relatable truth that makes you see yourself in the ad.

• What’s the creative technique? The technique they used to come up with the ad.

• What’s the hook? The visual or verbal element that prevents you from clicking “skip.”

Let's take this Monster ad, for example:

Watch the full video (30 sec)

3. Start an ad journal

When I was starting out, I organized my favorite ads in an Ad Journal, like this:

Click here to use this template.

In this recipe

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